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Single title

Dosarul Brucan / The Brucan File

Documents of the Third Counterintelligence Directorate of the Ministry of State Security (1987-1989)

The book contains the file on Silviu Brucan opened by the Third Counterintelligence Directorate of the DSS. Brucan was deputy editor-in-chief of the Party newspaper Scinteia between 1944 and 1956 and Romania's ambassador to the United States (1956-1959) and to the United Nations (1959-1962).

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The book helps to understand the "Letter of the Six", an important moment in the history of the opposition to the Ceausescu regime, but it can also be a "guide" for those who want to understand how the Securitate worked.

The book was published with the support of the Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc (Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of Romanian Exile in short: IICCMER) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

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