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Specialist conference

The old and new borders of Europe

Conference in cooperation with the Institute of Sacred Culture (MONS HAEMUS) and the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Bel

The two-day conference in early November focused on the diaspora and the boundaries of the Orthodox Church and the borders of Europe, globalism, old and new European identities.

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The conference was attended by theologians, philosophers, archaeologists from the Western Balkans and Germany. It was especially discussed about modern European ideas of identity that demand a process of rethinking.

The detailed report will be available shortly.

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Belgrade, the Orthodox Theological Faculty


Danijela Estermann-Pavlica

Danijela Estermann-Pavlica bild

Project Coordinator +381 11 3285 209, -210, -211 +381 11 3285 329
Von links nach rechts: Damjan Božić, Chefredakteur des theologischen Magazins "Pravoslavlje" und Professoren der Theologischen Fakultät in Belgrad: Rastko Jović, Zlatko Matić, Zoran Devrnja und Srboljub Ubiparović
Die feierliche Eröffnung der Konferenz mit dem Chor der Orthodoxen Theologischen Fakultät Belgrad
Erzpriester Prof. Vukašinović eröffnete die Konferenz

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