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Taking Politics Professionally

The National Movement for Catholic Students in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Zimbabwe conducted a multi-party capacitation of youths active in politics on taking politics professionally. This capacitation was necessitated by the realization that for there to be progressive politics in Zimbabwe, young politicians needed to be made aware of the influence they yield in their communities and the responsibility that comes with aiming for public office. The workshop capacitated the youths Kariba in Zimbabwe about the electoral processes in the country for any sort of participation from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. The participants were capacitated on the electoral processes, they also were engaged on a discussion on leadership ethics for common good with the help of the Catholic Commision for Peace and Justice. The Participants were also trained on how to run and manage an electoral campaign and also how to professionally manage media and social media for election purposes.

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Tarimand Hotel


  • Ted Ncube
    • Pardingtone Nhundu Kudakwashe Matambo Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Representative

Dino Ndlovu


Deputy Project Coordinator
EWoH2 (Women's Project) +263 24 2744602 /
+263 24 2745395