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SADC Industrialisation Week 2024

Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth and Development Towards an Industrialised SADC

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries which is a key KAS Zimbabwe partner hosted the SADC Industrial week in Harare. This event was the convergence of business, policy and society. As the SADC business community met, it was during a realization that going global debate must be an intention that is brought to life by both business and policy. How does business remain competitive in a time of continuous and even rapid global changes around our economies and businesses? Hashtag #GLOCALISE

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KAS invited and hosted Mr Andreas Jahn to the SADC Industrialisation week.  Andreas Jahn is Director of Government Affairs and Foreign Trade at the German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses the biggest voluntarily organized and cross-sectoral economic interest group for the German SMEs. The German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses offers their member companies exceptional opportunities to expand their network and business success at more than 2.000 events which they organize every year. The Association has also a large international network. They support companies in getting foothold in foreign markets with more than 75 foreign offices around the world. Andreas Jahn is internationally well connected. He is since 2020 the Secretary General of the German SME-Alliance for Africa. Mr. Jahn's presentation included case studies of three German SMEs that have gone international, and the policy and entrepreneurship drivers behind their success.

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Rainbow Towers Harare


Goodhope Ruswa

Goodhope Ruswa (2021)

International Project Coordinator
EWoH2 (Women's Project) +263 24 2744602 /
+263 24 2745395

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