Specialist conference
Central Government climate change policy and related strategies are clear, yet climate activists who interact on a day-to-day basis with local government / municipalities see a disconnect in terms of ward level implementation. We say this because we do not see any ‘climate friendly’ environment programs implemented by Councils on the ground, in communities. This is why this workshop intends to directly engage at most 80 key stakeholders in a typical municipal area like Ruwa Area, by inviting Councillors and their Environment Officers from the municipalities of Ruwa, Epworth and Goromonzi. This is a policy issue that also requires legislators, like the Goromonzi / Ruwa Member of Parliament and Senator to help explain government policy supported by relevant civil servants. It is also critical to include Chairpersons and secretaries of Residents Associations from the area, Heads of Youth Community-based Organisations in that community and Heads of Schools in that community because they are the direct beneficiaries and agents of climate change policies.