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How can constitutional rights of those excluded from voting be protected?

A Conference organised by the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International law (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

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The South African Constitution provides for the right to vote in section 19; and this right is couched in language which limits it to South African citizens. On the other hand, other civil and political rights found in the Constitution of South Africa – such as the rights of freedom of expression and association – are not limited to citizens. In a selection of other countries, too – including African countries, such as Malawi and Namibia – non-citizens have a conditional right to vote. It is trite that a particular and severe form of vulnerability exists for those who do not have the vote – including children, non-citizens, and prisoners.

 As South Africa is due to hold its seventh democratic elections, and on its 30th anniversary of democracy, a few questions relating to the right to vote arise.

For example

  • Should the right to vote be extended beyond citizenry?
  • If it were to be extended, would different provisions have to be made for this right at the levels of local, provincial and national government?
  • If the current status quo were to be maintained, how would the rights of those excluded from voting be protected?  


The practical details are as follows:

Date: 10th – 11th June 2024

Venue: University of Johannesburg, STH Buntting Road Campus, Kerzner conference Room

Please RSVP to Mrs Naomi Hove 


Your participation on this important occasion would be greatly appreciated.


Here you will find the program for download: SAIFAC Conference Programme 2024 .pdf

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University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Kingsway Avenue,
2006 Johannesburg
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  • KEYNOTE ADDRESS Professor Roxan Laubscher (Professor of Law
    • Faculty of Law
    • University of Johannesburg & Acting Director at the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional
    • Public
    • Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC)).

Nancy Msibi

Nancy Msibi

Project Manager +27 (11) 214 2900-110

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