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How can constitutional rights of those excluded from voting be protected?

A Conference organised by the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International law (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

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The South African Constitution provides for the right to vote in section 19; and this right is couched in language which limits it to South African citizens. On the other hand, other civil and political rights found in the Constitution of South Africa – such as the rights of freedom of expression and association – are not limited to citizens. In a selection of other countries, too – including African countries, such as Malawi and Namibia – non-citizens have a conditional right to vote. It is trite that a particular and severe form of vulnerability exists for those who do not have the vote – including children, non-citizens, and prisoners.

 As South Africa is due to hold its seventh democratic elections, and on its 30th anniversary of democracy, a few questions relating to the right to vote arise.

For example

  • Should the right to vote be extended beyond citizenry?
  • If it were to be extended, would different provisions have to be made for this right at the levels of local, provincial and national government?
  • If the current status quo were to be maintained, how would the rights of those excluded from voting be protected?  


The practical details are as follows:

Date: 10th – 11th June 2024

Venue: University of Johannesburg, STH Buntting Road Campus, Kerzner conference Room

Please RSVP to Mrs Naomi Hove 


Your participation on this important occasion would be greatly appreciated.


Download the agenda: SAIFAC Conference Programme 2024 .pdf

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University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Kingsway Avenue,
2006 Johannesburg
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  • KEYNOTE ADDRESS Professor Roxan Laubscher (Professor of Law
    • Faculty of Law
    • University of Johannesburg & Acting Director at the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional
    • Public
    • Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC)).

Nancy Msibi

Nancy Msibi

Project Manager +27 (11) 214 2900-110

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