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International Expert Dialogue on the Afghan Peace Process

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Bridging the gap between analysis and policy

New York · Kabul · New Delhi · Islamabad · Moscow · Tehran - Tashkent · Berlin · Oslo ·Tokyo · Washington DC · Kathmandu · Sydney · London · Brussels


This  monthly dialogue series addresses key questions and issues around the Afghan Peace Process. 

Our group is composed of more than 50 re-known experts, policy makers and practitioners working on and in Afghanistan. Its global character truly makes it unique and provides an added value in itself. Our main aim is to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and research of leading scholars on Afghanistan and political stakeholders and decision-makers.

This dialoge series is a joint project by the KAS Representation to the UN (New York) and the KAS Regional Representation (Kabul, Afghanistan).


Upcoming session (July 2021): 

Afghanistan’s uncertain future : a scenario based expert discussion”


Last dialogue sessions:

Session 1 (Aug 2020):  

“Starting Intra-Afghan Negotiations: pre-conditions, current state-of-play and challenges to success”

Session 2 (Sept 2020): 

“Taliban perspectives on peace and the future Afghan state”

Session 3 (Oct 2020): 

“Fostering peace within the triangular relationship: Afghanistan – Pakistan – Iran”

Session 4 (Dec 2020): 

“International Donor support for Afghanistan: Needs, Expectations and Pledges”

Session 5 (Feb 2021): 

“The Future of NATO’s presence in Afghanistan: What solutions for a responsible troops withdrawal?”

Session 6 (March 2021): 

“From Bonn to Doha – lessons learned and essential preconditions for peace”


Panjshir Valley 2021 KAS Kabul
Panjshir Valley 2021

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Dr. Ellinor Zeino

Ellinor Zeino

Head (in preparation) Foreign Office Turkey

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