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Lecture for Young Diplomats on "Iran's Regional Policy"

40 Years of Revolution - Iran's Regional Policy

On 24 April, the KAS Office Afghanistan organised in cooperation with the Institute of Diplomacy in the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs a seminar on "40 Years of Revolution - Iran's Regional Policy".

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Key note speaker was Dr. Rainer Hermann, senior Middle East editor of the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and author of various books and monographies. He was a foreign correspondent in Abu Dhabi and Ankara/Istanbul covering the Middle East.

Seminar participants were Afghan junior diplomats and employees from the Afghan ministry bureaucracy who complete an in-service study of international relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During his visit in Afghanistan, Dr. Hermann conducted numerous interviews in Kabul and Herat with government representatives, diplomats, researchers, activists, representatives of think tanks and international organisations to cover recent developments in the Afghan peace process.

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  • Dr. Rainer Hermann (FAZ)

    Dr. Ellinor Zeino

    Ellinor Zeino

    Head Foreign Office Turkey +90 312 440 40 80
    Seminar Rainer Hermann 24-04-2019 KAS Kaul

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