Book presentation
The official book launch took place in the New African Hotel in Dar es Salaam on April 14, 2011.
More than sixty students from different schools and numerous teachers from CETA as well as media representatives took part in the event. The book was officially presented by Hans Koeppel, deputy ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tanzania. In his speech he emphasized the importance of education, especially civic education, for democracy and development in Tanzania and encouraged students to advocate for their interests and to take an active part in public debates. Each generation needed to be newly convinced of democracy, Koeppel said.
Stefan Reith, head of the KAS office in Dar es Salaam, drew attention to the fact that the launch of the book is only the beginning of the work to come. A schoolbook could only be as good as the teachers and students working with it. He pointed out that now it came down to distributing the book to schools nation-wide and actually employing it in class.
In his opening speech the chairman of CETA, Salim Olotu, referred to the existing lack of teaching material in Tanzanian schools and thanked Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for their support in developing and publishing the book. KAS and CETA have been closely working together for many years in order to support students and young adults in asserting their issues and taking an active part in the political and social debates. Olotu called the publication of a second edition of “General Studies” a milestone in CETA’s cooperation with KAS and emphasized that the book could serve as a basis for upcoming activities of CETA.
After the official launch by deputy ambassador Hans Koeppel, the first copies of the book were handed out to students and teachers.