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Integrity of Creation and the Challenges of Climate Change

Feedback Meeting

On 30th of August 2012 the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania [IRCPT] in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung [KAS] Tanzania is hosting a feedback meeting on February’s Interfaith Dialogue.

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Religious communities, based on their influence and with their on-going environmental care programmes and infrastructure, stand a better chance of engaging in addressing climate change challenges. Further, religious leaders are in the position to advocate for policy change and formulation of laws that are supportive to good environment care practices.

In the two-day workshop conducted in February this year different expert-led presentations and discussions on the challenges of climate change and on ways to mitigate its negative impact on human beings had been held. The event contribution can be find here:

In this feedback meeting the participants are now invited to share with each other in group the range of activities their organisation has been implementing since, lessons they are providing, achievements made and challenges they are facing in implementing such programmes. In the then to follow plenary discussion they are requested to jointly agree on priority areas to be included in the plan of action for future activities.

Participation only on individual invitation.

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Integrity of Creation and Challenges of Climate Change: Evaluation and Focus
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Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

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