In recent years KAS E-lection Bridge Africa has established itself as the leading platform for learning and exchange on political communication and campaigning strategies on the continent. It is an exclusive offer of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to significant leaders of its partner parties in sub-Sahara Africa and its main objective is to build a bridge linking German and African experts – and to provide a forum for sharing ideas, practices and successes.
The Federal Director of Germany’s leading political party CDU, Dr. Klaus Schüler, will present on campaigning strategies in Germany’s September general elections and how to create constructive messages in politics. This year’s conference will have a focus on different types of polls, where to watch out and how to identify fake polls, with input from poll experts from Afrobarometer.
Digital innovation in campaigning remains a strong focus, looking at the latest trends and opportunities for political communication and exploring best practice examples from across the continent.