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Good Governance and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Tanzania

Students' and Teachers' Symposium

On the 19th and 20th of April approximately 200 students and teachers from secondary schools as well as students and lecturers of SAUT will convene in Mtwara to discuss the sustainable use of Tanzania's natural resources.

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Tanzania as a country is endowed with many natural resources. In the recent past conflicts and/or clashes have been observed relative to land and extractive industries. Very recently the communities in and around Mtwara/Lindi Regions strongly demanded that the natural gas findings in the regions should remain in the region.

The approach and the actions taken by the communities enhance the need to empower the citizens so that they make objective and informed decisions; not only in as far as Mtwara gas is concerned but also relative to natural resources in general.

The objective of the symposium is to create an interactive platform which shall allow open discussions against the background of mutual learning. Two Resource Persons shall present papers. One shall be academic in nature and shall be presented by a Lecturer of SAUT Mtwara Campus. The second one shall be presented by the Government to update and reflect on management of natural resources.

The result of the event shall be subsumed in a new edition of the CETA journal "Civic and General Studies" which shall serve as support material for civic education teachers in secondary schools all over Tanzania.

Participation only on individual invitation.

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SAUT, Mtwara


Good Governance and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Symposium mit Schülern, Studenten, Lehrern und Universitätsdozenten am Stella Maris Mtwara University College
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Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

Asset Publisher

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Civic Education Teachers' Association (CETA) v_2