In November 2011, when the constitutional reform started KAS and IRCPT had hosted a similar event with the title "Faith-based Organizations and the Constitutional Reform in Tanzania". The intention was to analyze the then new constitutional reform law and to promote a high participation of civil society and religious groups.
More than two years later, the constitutional reform process has entered its final straight: Since mid February the constituent assembly meets in Dodoma, the administrative capital of Tanzania. Its members are supposed to shape the draft delivered by the constitutional review commission into a document that will be approved by as many Tanzanians as possible.
Due to their social responsibility and influence, the integration of religious leaders into the constitutional reform process is very important. During the interreligious dialogue, the participants shall, together with different members of religious groups represented in the constituent assembly discuss about the contents of the draft that concern them the most and how religious diversity and tolerance can be reflected appropriately in the new Tanzanian constitution.
To support the finding of a consensus for the new Tanzanian constitution and give input to the debate of the constituent assembly and the upcoming referendum, KAS has in the last weeks and month organized several discussions about the constitutional reform process. The aim is to promote a high participation and to provide information among the Tanzanian citizens and civil society organisations.
Participation is on invitation only.