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Cooperation and solidarity – Prospects of an international social market economy

Maendeleo dialogue with the former German President Dr. Horst Köhler

In the course of a political dialogue programme organised by KAS, former German President Dr. Horst Köhler will discuss about the future prospects of international social market economy with high-profile participants at a conference in Dar es Salaam.

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On the occasion of the visit of the Former German President Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler to Dar es Salaam in June 2011 the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in collaboration with its partner organization TADIP organizes the conference “Cooperation and Solidarity – Opportunities for an International Social Market Economy” on the 15th of June 2011 at 10.00 hrs.

After outlining the potential of an International Social Market Economy Prof. Dr. Köhler will discuss with Tanzanian experts. Prof. Benno Ndulu, Governor of the Bank of Tanzania, Dr. Camilius Kassala, Member of the Institute of Finance Management at the University of Dar es Salaam, and Pascal Lesoinne, Managing Director of Tanzania Portland Cement confirmed their assistance. The discussion will focus on the Tanzanian, respectively the African, perspective concerning a possible International Social Market Economy. Ethical aspects of doing business and core principles like freedom, solidarity and social responsibility of entrepreneurs as well as the question of their practical implementation will be discussed. The audience will have the opportunity to take part in the discussion.

Additionally, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania, for the first time, will present the “Guidelines for Prosperity, Social Justice and Sustainable Economic Activity” translated into Kiswahili. It is the intention of KAS to make these core principles of an International Social Market Economy accessible to the Kiswahili speaking public of the East African region and thus provide a contribution to the debate on the future structure of the global economic system.

Please note that a personal invitation and prior registration is required for attendance. For further information please contact the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Dar es Salaam .

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  • Former President of Germany Dr. Horst Köhler


    Cooperation and Solidarity: Opportunities for an international social market economy - Experiences from Germany
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    Stefan Reith

    Portrait von Stefan Reith

    Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

    Richard Shaba


    Erasto Ndeuka

    Erasto Ndeuka bild

    Accountant and Projectmanager Tanzania Office +255 22 2153174 / +255 22 2151990
    Single title
    July 1, 2011
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    Bundespräsident a.D. Dr. Horst Köhler KAS, LJP 2009

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    Tanzania Development Initiative Programme (TADIP)