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Maendeleo-Dialogue on Challenges of Climate Change in Tanzania

Beyond 50 Years of Independence – New Dependence and Future Challenges of Climate Change

On December 15th 2011, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in collaboration with Tanzania Development Initiative Programme (TADIP) is hosting a Maendeleo-Dialogue on “Beyond 50 Years of Independence – New Dependence and Future Challenges of Climate Change”.

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Tanzania’s independence together with the just ended United Nation’s climate change conference in Durban, KAS and its partner TADIP are taking the opportunity to host a Maendeleo-Dialogue on the challenges of climate change for Tanzania.

Climate change is a crosscutting challenge because it affects many areas that are vital for the development and wellbeing of every citizen. Two of the main areas are food security and the sustainable supply of safe energy. Both issues are closely linked to climate change and need immediate attention. To tackle the challenge of climate change, Tanzania shall depend on clear and well thought political strategies and action plans and on a strong and committed civil society that monitors the implementation of these action plans and pushes the topic onto the political agenda. It shall also depend on close cooperation with its international partners and its East-African neighbours; and on the awareness and understanding of the importance of climate change on the part of the citizens of Tanzania.

The Maendeleo Dialogue will focus on how Tanzania can meet these challenges best. It will refer to the outcome of the just finished climate negotiations in Durban, but it does not pretend to work out a technical analysis of the result. The conference will rather concentrate on the Tanzanian government’s and civil society’s approach to climate change and the respective strategies. Subsequently, the focus will be on two main areas that are heavily affected by climate change, namely food security and energy supply. The panel presentations will be followed by a round of questions and answers and an open and interactive debate involving the audience. KAS and TADIP expect 150 participants representing the government, civil society, political parties, religious groups, academia, national and international experts, teachers, students, media and interested citizens. The presentations and debate will be documented and published serving as point of reference for all people working on the climate change issue.

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Serena Hotel (former Mövenpick)


Maendeleo-Dialog zum Klimawandel: Beyond 50 Years of Independence - New Dependence and Future Challenges of Climate Change
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Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

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Tanzania Development Initiative Programme (TADIP)