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New Edition of "General Studies"

Meeting of the Publishing Committee

On the 7th March the Publishing Committee of CETA will meet for the third time to discuss the next steps in the procedure of editing the supplementary school book General Studies.

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General Studies is part of the subject of Civic Education in Tanzania's secondary schools. Following the curriculum, students learn about important topics like, inter alia, Religion, Science and Democracy. Together with the Teachers' NGO CETA, KAS Tanzania has developed and published the supplementary school book "General Studies". The book is very popular among teachers and students all over Tanzania. To ensure the timeliness of the work which was last edited in 2010 and to correct some weaknesses in the current edition, the book is due to be revised and printed afresh in 2014.

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The Landmark Hotel, DSM


Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

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Civic Education Teachers' Association (CETA) v_2