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Scholar’s networking breakfast meeting.

Building bridges between Scholars

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) convened a Breakfast Meeting at the Foundations Office in Dar es Salaam on Thursday the 9th of February 2023. Bringing KAS Scholarship holders together who are currently approaching the end of their studies, this meeting aimed at promoting a value- and interest-based exchange about multilateral topics. The meeting furthermore served the purpose of strengthening inter-scholar relationships and the network of KAS Scholarship holders.

After the opening speech the KAS Scholars gave interesting insights into their work by presenting the topics for discussion. Focusing on the “Assessment of Factors influencing project sustainability in Local Non-Governmental Organizations in Tanzania”, the important role of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) as partners in Development, especially as contributors to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was highlighted. Factors influencing the sustainability of projects will be subject of further research. The problematic dependence of NGOs on external money was mentioned in this matter.

Moreover, the Impact of Covid-19 in Construction Industry was discussed, where the issue of project completion regarding the delay of construction due to the Covid-19 Pandemic was brought attention to. Furthermore, the increasing financial costs as well as border restrictions as a consequence of Covid-19 impacting the Construction Industry were considered.

The topic of Inclusive Governance and Political Parties was addressed, which were claimed to be at the Core of Women Under-Representation in Politics in Tanzania. Emphasizing the role of political parties in the recruiting process of members the comparatively percentage of women nominated for leadership roles was discussed. Thus the ways how female politicians cope with barriers and candidate procedures are to be investigated, in the pursuit of developing possible solutions.

Lastly, the topic of Beneficiaries' Experience and Perception of the iCHF Exemption Policy in Access of Healthcare Services in Kinondoni Municipality- Tanzania was debated. ICHF exemption is the mechanism for the poor to access services. It was stated, that studies have documented much on the process of issuing the exemption to eligible members of the community. However, less is known about their experience in public healthcare facilities. Hence beneficiaries' Experience and Perceptions of the iCHF Exemptions entitlement in accessing health care services are yet to be explored.

Overall the Scholar’s Networking Breakfast Meeting enabled the scholars to share their progress and to better understand each other’s research areas- and objectives, providing a platform for discussion and feedback. After discussion and room for questions and comments from all participants, the meeting was concluded by a closing remark from Dr. Tilmann Feltes.


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  • KAS Country Director
    • Dr. Tilmann Feltes
  • Project Manager
    • Damas Nderumaki

Damas Nderumaki


Project Manager +255 222153174

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