Peace is the universally accepted virtue among human beings irrespective of gender, age, religion, race, geographical location, as well as economic and social status. People everywhere appreciate peace as an essential component for a better living here on Earth. That’s why the promotion of peace is among the goals endorsed by global community for attainment of inclusive and sustainable development by 2030 (UN SDG 16).
Without peace, human life on Earth is uncertain. This fundamental truth is the underlying reason for the formation and existence of United Nations. The main purpose of the UN is to maintain international peace and security (Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations). The UN calls for collective efforts for protection of peace and security anywhere on Earth.
In this year 2021, CETA and KAS civic education project will focus on peace keeping, conflict prevention and resolution among students, teachers and youth. The upcoming workshop in Arusha will conclude a successfull year of cooperation.