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Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - The Voice of the Young Generation

Workshop with PAMOJA

On 19th August 2013 students from Tanzania and Germany will convene in Dar es Salaam for a workshop on sustainable use of natural resources.

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PAMOJA - together; so the meaningful name of an exchange project of the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster and the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy in Dar es Salaam. Under the project’s umbrella selected German and Tanzanian participants of the inter-university project regularly meet for workshops and discussions in Germany or Tanzania to exchange ideas and to open up their minds by understanding each other’s perspective of recent controversial issues. This year the workshop will be held in Dar es Salaam and will focus on the hotly debated question of a meaningful and sustainable use of the natural resources in Tanzania.

One goal of the work of KAS in Tanzania is to support the development of regulatory approaches to a sustainable use of natural resources in the country as well as to foster the public discussion of the same. In this process KAS cooperates with civil society organizations as well as political stakeholders. One focus lies on the young generation which voice plays an important role in the discussion about sustainable use of natural resources. During the workshop the students are supposed to obtain deeper insights into the current situation in Tanzania. They will be supported by a presentation by Anna Mbise, as well as by inputs from KAS Programme Coordinator Richard Shaba. The workshop is thus providing an important platform for information for young people.

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Colosseum, Dar es Salaam


Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

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