Stefan Reith, Resident Representative for KAS Tanzania welcomes the numerous guests and is pleased to be cooperating with the GTS anew.
Richard Shaba, President of GTS, gives a warm welcome to the participants as well and likewise appreciates the cooperation with KAS. Mr.Shaba sketches shortly the history of GTS….
… while Klaus-Peter Brandes, H.E. the Ambassador for Germany in Tanzania, and Stefan Reith are following his words.
Klaus-Peter Brandes shares his own experiences and memories concerning the Berlin Wall with the audience.
He points out that the fall of the wall 22 years ago highly depended on political decision makers back then…
…and how German foreign policies are still influenced by the events of that time.
Stefan Reith expresses his gratitude to the Ambassador and congratulates him for his speech.
To add to the audience’s understanding of the situation a short movie about the events from construction to fall of the wall is being displayed.
Afterwards Dr. Stefan Chrobot, Resident Director for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Dar es Salaam adds some of his personal memories as well as some political facts.
Dr. Camilius Kassala points out the existence of invisible, mental walls which can lead to separations within a society.
After a small health break, Shafi Adam Shafi, a popular Tanzanian author shares his own experiences and impressions of the wall – he had arrived in Eastern Berlin just one month after its construction.
Afterwards the plenum is being invited to join the discussion. Many participants point out how much they learned from the presentations about the history of Berlin. In the background a picture of Konrad Adenauer who surely could have contributed a lot.
The participants uncover some further mental walls within the Tanzanian society. For example walls regarding gender inequality, …
…political walls which especially hem the Tanzanian youth…
…and walls regarding the access to education, which need to be taken apart urgently.
Mohamed Raza, a Tanzanian artist, points out the importance of art in dissolving walls in the heads of people.
Closing the event, Stefan Reith expresses his gratitude to the guests as well as the participants for the appealing input and the frank discussion.