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Event reports

Symposium on the Nexus between Employment and Natural Resources in Tanzania

Opportunities and Challenges for Youth

On Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of March 2017, the Civic Education Teachers' Association (CETA) organized a two day symposium for secondary, college and university students in Songea in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The goal of the event was to raise awareness among youths of natural resources and immanent opportunities for employment in the Ruvuma Region.

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The Symposium offered a broad overview of Ruvuma's natural resources sector and encouraged youths to be creative in developing ideas how to responsibly use natural resources for personal, social and national progress. Hence, insights into the challenges and opportunities of the various sectors (e. g. agriculture or tourism) were given and subsequently, successful entrepreneurs from Ruvuma Region talked about their personal experiences. Additionally, the event served as a platform for students to share their experiences and expectations.

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Daniel El-Noshokaty


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