Event reports
20 representatives of CHADEMA from different zones in Tanzania follow the presentation of Uwe Göpel, Teamleader Online of the German CDU.
Mr. Göpel gives an overview over internet usage of followers of different political parties in Germany ...
... shows the internet presence of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is the also the chairwoman of the CDU ...
... and gives examples of the election campaign during the last general elections in Germany.
Using state of the art technology (and a little bit of help from Stefan Reith, Resident Representative of KAS Tanzania) ...
... he brings Mrs Merkel's picture to life as she starts talking to the astonished participants.
At the end of session one there is a lot of room for questions.
Richard Shaba, Programme Coordinator of KAS guides the politicians through the afternoon session.
Participants use the opportunity to exchange experiences and to discuss challenges of their work.