Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and KAS join in fight against corruption
The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) are working together in the fight against corruption since both parties reached an agreement in December 2019. Main goal of the cooperation is to educate and encourage the participation of citizens (local governments) in the fight against corruption. Through training of trainers (ToT), mainly PCCB officers from various regions, the capacity to face and prevent corruption will be relayed to the local government level and the citizens of the different regions.
Besides this focus on PCCB personnel, local government authorities and last but not least citizens, there was also a joined training manual produced. This Training of Trainers book has since been successfully distributed and used.
During the course of 2020 there were a number of joint ToTs to educate PCCB officers. The attending officers were enabled to provide the education to ward officials and local government authorities in nine Regions. After a successful year 2020 PCCB and KAS continued their activities in 2021, educating further PCCB staff as well as local government authorities. Organizing trainings in more regions throughout the country more than 54 PCCB official staffs were able to profit from the training. This year’s highlight was a large training activity in the capital city Dodoma. For the concluding day several high ranking guests and keynote speakers were present. Most notably Minister of President Office Regional Administration and Local Government Authority gave a key speech while a National Scouts Leader Hon. Mwantumu Mahiza, Deputy Director of PCCB Neema Mwakalyelye, Dr. Emmanuel Kiyabo Director of Community Education at PCCB and last but not least Dr. Tilman Feltes Director of the KAS Tanzania Office in Dar es Salaam. The Minister congratulated the PCCB and KAS for their efforts and expressed her support of the measures. Following the speeches, the Deputy Director of PCCB and the Minister presented the training manual to the media.
On the given occasion the leading staff of PCCB and KAS came together in a formal meeting at the PCCB headquarters close to the event venue to examine the ongoing cooperation. Following this there will be a more detailed discussion and evaluation of joint activities to prepare for the future. The PCCB is expecting that the joint project will serve as a bridgehead in strengthening anti-corruption strategies at the local level. Whereby the general public will have an opportunity to understand their obligation in curbing the viral effects of corruption in their communities, and eventually, their obligation to work together with the PCCB, other law enforcement organs and other stakeholders to alleviate corrupt practices because corruption has an enormous impact in our daily economic and social life.