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Approaching a Model and Direction of Decentralization for Governor Elections in a Transitional Era

A Workshop Series to Promote Democracy and Decentralization in Thailand (Workshop 4)

Thailand has over 7,000 local government organizations established in various forms and levels, e.g. provincial administrative organizations, sub-district administrative organizations, municipalities, or even special autonomous cities like Bangkok and Pattaya. In details, however, the structure and the actual administrative process are not quite correlate. The Chief Executives and Council Members of local government organizations come directly from the local elections, but they are still overseen by civil servants who are assigned by the central government as governors of provinces. The budget approval, inspection of the overall administration, and even dismissal of the local government chiefs are authorized by the governors. As a result, it has gradually raised questions and awareness on improvement of Thailand’s decentralization since, in fact, there are many organic laws in the sections both on state policy and local administration, stipulating that the provinces are ready to be entirely administered by local governments.

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In light of this significant issue, the Promotion of Local Administration Foundation as a civil society working continuously on decentralization promotion will organize a workshop series in this year with the support of KAS Thailand to brainstorm with related actors and experts for the practical model and direction of the governor elections. It is expected that, with governor elections, each local administrative organization will be able to work and manage their areas with full authorization compared to the current status. The results and recommendations of the model from this project can hopefully be presented further to the National Assembly in the form of a draft of law on the establishment of self-administration provinces with governor elections.


8:30-9:00 Registration and Distribution of Workshop Materials

9:00-9:30 Welcome Remarks and Introduction to the Workshop

Prof. Dr. Kowit Phuang-ngam, Head of the Project, PLAF

Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro, Director of KAS Office in Thailand

9:30-10:00 Presentation on Background Information from International on Governor Elections and Related Laws on Decentralization in Thailand

Prof. Dr. Kowit Phuang-ngam; and

Mr. Sutthikeat Aungkaburana, Researcher, Thai Khadi Research Institute, Thammasat University

10:00-10:15 Coffee/tea break

10:15-12:30 Panel Discussion on “Future of Governor Elections in Thailand and Role Model”

  • Representatives from Provincial Administration Led by Local Suratthani Province: Mr. Keereesak Ranglek and Team
  • Representatives from Academics
    • Asst. Prof. Dr. Kitachet Kraiwat and Team
    • Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiwat Phuakkhong and Team
  • Representatives from Local Administratice Organizations
  • Representatives from Local Civil Society

12:30-14:30 Luncheon Discussion, Summary and Closing of the Workshop

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Wang Tai Hotel
1 Talad Mai Road, Talat Sub-district, Muang District,
Suratthani Province

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Senior Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 13 07

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