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Big Data Analysis for Effective Organizational Management

Training Program for Administrative Case Officials

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08.30 – 08.45 hrs. Registration


08.45–09.00 hrs. Opening Remarks by Executive of the Office of the Administrative Courts, who supervise the Bureau of Strategic Management


09.00 –12.00 hrs. Lecture on “Organizational data management for management (data analytics cases)” by

1. Mr. Patipan Prasertsom, Big Data Institute (Public Organization) (BDI)

2. Mr. Artit Sagoolmuang, Big Data Institute (Public Organization) (BDI)                                               


12.00 - 13.00 hrs. Lunch


13.00 – 16.00 hrs. Lecture on “Techniques for presenting useful information for organizational management and supporting decision-making of executives (data visualization)” by

1. Mr. Patipan Prasertsom, Big Data Institute (Public Organization) (BDI)

2. Mr. Artit Sagoolmuang, Big Data Institute (Public Organization) (BDI)

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Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Senior Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 13 07

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