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Direction of Local Government for the New Constitution

Brainstorming Seminar


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By the coup d'etat in Thailand on 19 September 2006, the military repealed the Constitution of Thailand of 1997 and announced a drafting of a new constitution as a political reform.

The Promotion of Local Administration Foundation (PROLAF) as an organisation that promotes local government, organises this seminar to brainstorm ideas and suggestions regarding the local government under the new constitution. Participants are academics and experienced members of local government organisations. All suggestions from the seminar will be proposed to the Constitution Drafting Committee.

The seminar also aims to strengthen the existing network between members of local governments and establish a new network to follow up the drafting process of the new constitution, focussing on the issue of participatory decentralisation.

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Rajabhat University Nakorn Sri Thammarat Province


  • Promotion of Local Administration Foundation (PROLAF)

    Dr. Lars Peter Schmidt †

    Resident Representative to India

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    Provided by

    Thailand Office