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Online seminar

Green Finance and Policy Interventions: The Critical Challenges to Our Future Green Growth

Media Dialogue 1 (Year 2)

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: Media Dialogue 1 (Year2): Green Finance and Policy Interventions: The Critical Challenges to Our Future Green Growth

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BKT-Dialogue 1 Green Finance and Policy Interventions - Poster ENG

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to:

Media Dialogue 1 (Year2):

Green Finance and Policy Interventions: The Critical Challenges to Our Future Green Growth

Zoom and Facebook Live | Tuesday, July 27, 2021 | 13:00 – 15:30 (BKK Time)

One fundamental idea emerging worldwide in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak is that economic recovery, growth, and job creation on one side and environmental protection and climate change mitigation on the other side are not antagonistic concepts. Over recent years, the world has been rethinking and achieving more sustainability. And now is the time of calling for more integration of natural-based solutions, and scrutinizing potential ways to finance it. Green finance as well as other policy interventions therefore have become emerging challenges for economists and policymakers to find environmental solutions also ensure the interests of the people.     

The news agency Bangkok Tribune, supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Thailand, is organizing an online conference to address the concept of green finance and green interventions that have continuously been discussed in Thailand and the international community. This is meant to integrate natural assets into the recovery packages as well as the long-term development path.

This conference is the first of another year of a series of Media Dialogues on Current Thai, Regional and Global Developments with regard to Social and Environmental Issues organized by the Bangkok Tribune and the KAS. It will take place on Tuesday, July 27 at 13:00 (Bangkok Time) via Zoom and Facebook Live, and will be conducted in Thai language.

To participate in the conference, please register your participation at

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the conference online.



Associate Professor Dr. Niramon Suthammakit

Director, The Policy Research Center on Green Economy,

Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University

Dr. Narongchai Thitinanpong

Parliamentary Budget Analyst, The Parliament Budget Office, Parliament of Thailand

Ms. Niran Nirannoot

Country Project Manager, The Biodiversity Finance Initiative for Thailand,

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Dr. Petch Manopawitr

Co-Founder ReReef, former Deputy Director, IUCN SE Asia Group


We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

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Zoom and Facebook Live


  • Associate Professor Dr. Niramon Suthammakit
    • Dr. Narongchai Thitinanpong
    • Ms. Niran Nirannoot
    • and Dr. Petch Manopawitr

Thasuthida Thetthong

Thasuthida Thetthong

Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207

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