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Peace Train: from Sukhirin to Surin

A cross-ethnic cultural exchange

The workshop in cooperation with the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies of Mahidol University of which the objectives are:

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1) to take part in the peace building process and to call for creation of safe space for children and people in the southern border provinces.

2) to create understanding about the situation of the 3 southern border provinces by spreading positive information on culture, tradition and way of life so that the general public would be aware of the significance of protection of children living in violence ridden areas and of using peaceful means to solve problems.

3) to create a cross-cultural exchange between the Malayu from Thai-Malaysian border and the Khmer from Thai-Cambodian border amidst the diversities of ethnicity, language, religion, belief, tradition and culture.

4) to strengthen the capacity of Seed of Peace Youth Network by working together continuously and by expanding the network.

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Narathiwas – Bangkok – Buriram – Surin


Michael Winzer

Michael Winzer bild

Head of the Hungary/Budapest Office +36 1 487 501-0 +36 1 487 501-1

Sarinya Tankaew

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Das Institut der Menschenrechte und Friedensforschung, Mahidol Universität (IHRPS)

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Thailand Office