Event reports
About 100 audience members who are either university students or people from the local municipalities in Nontaburi (a suburb of Bangkok) attended the event.
Prof. Dr. Kowit Phoung-ngam, Member of the Parliament, 1st Vice-Chairman of the CDLA and Party Leader of the Thai Local Power Party addresses the audience and talks about sustainable local governance.
One of the speakers was Prof. Dr. Kowit Phoung-ngam, Member of the Parliament, 1st Vice-Chairman of the CDLA and Party Leader of the Thai Local Power Party. He advocated for sustainable local governance. Nitchakan Daramatat (UNDP) introduced the audience to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
About a 100 university students & people from the local municipalities in Nontaburi (a suburb of Bangkok) were in attendance.