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Event reports

Policies, Laws and Regulations Concerning Water Resources Management

An international conference on 12-14 December 2019 in cooperation with Thailand Institute of Justice, Hydro-Informatics Institute, Office of the National Water Resources, Department of Groundwater Resources, Royal Irrigation Department, Thailand Science Research and Innovation, and Department of Water Resources

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With cooperations of all the co-organisers namely Thailand Institute of Justice, Hydro-Informatics Institute, Office of the National Water Resources, Department of Groundwater Resources, Royal Irrigation Department, Thailand Science Research and Innovation, and Department of Water Resources, the Rule of Law Programme of KAS is emphasized in the area of Water Resources Management. There are 80 participants from 13 countries; namely Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam that has participated in this conference.


The objective of this conference is to raise awareness and build a better understanding of water-related policies, laws, regulations and agencies, to exchange knowledge and expertise from water-related agencies, and to strengthen academic and research network on water-related policies, laws, regulations, and agencies among relevant organizations, academia, and NGOs in the Southeast Asia.


The two-day conference addressed 1) Policies, Laws and Regulations for Sustainable Water Resources Management 2) Good governance on water resources management with Public – Private – People Participation 3) Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction and 4) Way Forward: Direction on Rules of Law for Community Water Resources Management towards Sustainable Development.


Water resources is essential to secure and sustain human activities, ecosystems and country development. Asia - Pacific, including Southeast Asia, accounted for 45% of global disaster which is one of the most disaster-prone region in the world. Water resources management including human rights in equal water access is the key internal issue for many countries. Exchanging experiences on water resources management from an expert in Southeast Asian Countries will be beneficial to all stakeholders.


In the past, water resources were abundant; therefore, they were perceived as public resources that everyone can access to the services. However, the rapid population growth and development have significantly led to the increase of water demand in every sector. The current climate challenges have put enormous pressures on water resources which bring negative impacts in their quantities and qualities. Insufficient water to meet demands and water-related disasters can be evidenced everywhere. The world in which technology is changing rapidly force us to be ready, promptly respond and effectively create resilience in rule of law.


In this regards, governments in many countries have given the importance and attention to innovative approaches and tools by using policies, laws, data system and green technology for enhancing integrated and sustainable water resources management. Collaboration and participation from all sectors, including public – private – people, from policies and practitioners, at national – regional – and international level, is very important. Rule of Law for water resource management is therefore the main tool to drive the region’s sustainability.

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Georg Gafron


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