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Local elections in Turkey

The national surprise of a local vote

Contrary to predictions, the Turkish local elections have proved to be a success for the opposition. The largest opposition party CHP in particular emerged as the winner. While both the ruling AK Party and the opposition are still caught up in a certain disbelief about the results in the first 48 hours afterwards, the country report provides background information, summarizes the results and discusses possible consequences.

IMAGO / APAimages

Turkey after the elections

May makes everything new?

In the run-off elections of the Turkish presidential elections on 28 May, incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won against challenger Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, after the People's Alliance led by his AK Party had already won the majority in the Turkish parliament. When the old, new president presented the cabinet for the 28th legislative term on 3 June, the selection of the appointed ministers caused a stir. The current country report takes a look at announced steps and planned projects of the new government, then introduces some of the members of the new cabinet and analyses tendencies and trends for the coming period.

Unsustainable or Unorthodox? Macro-Economic Policy Options in Turkey

The guiding question is: Unsustainable or Unorthodox? Therefore, Dr. Jens Bastian's analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the country's economic policies and its recent implications. Furthermore, it reflects on what needs to be done as well as what can be expected.

Turkish Youth Study 2023

The Turkish Youth Survey 2023 is an evaluation of social and political opinions of 2,140 participants aged 18 to 25 from 16 provinces in Türkiye.

Two years ago, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Türkiye conducted an extensive survey to evaluate the social and political opinions of the Turkish youth. Following the positive reception of the 2021 Turkish Youth Survey, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Türkiye decided to prepare an updated version for 2023, outlined in this summary. 


Turkey after the first round of elections

On 14 May 2023, the Turkish elections took place

Turkey held election on May 14, 2023. Neither President Erdoğan nor opposition candidate Kılıçdaroğlu received more than 50% of the vote. Thus, a runoff election will take place on May 28. For now, the two alliances have to mobilize everything again so that their candidate can ultimately prevail. Many observers assume that the People's Alliance around incumbent president Erdoğan is better prepared. Especially, since the AK Party won the majority in the parliamentary elections. The results are itself cause for enormous disappointment on the side of the opposition which came together as the National Alliance. It remains to be seen how deep this disappointment runs and the extent to which the opposition alliance is weakened. Given the circumstances, the AK Party and its partners are very confident. The election on May 14th can certainly be described as a victory for secular nationalism. Not least because after the runoff election, nationalist leaning parties can cooperate and find solutions yet to be seen, though not anticipates at the moment.

IMAGO / Panthermedia

Election´s ahead in Türkiye: Nation or People?

On May 14th the Turkish people will elect a president as well as a new parliament.

On May 14, Türkiye will elect a president as well as a new parliament. Incumbent Erdoğan is being challenged by the longstanding CHP-politician Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Both candidates are supported by respective alliances. The so-called National Alliance of the opposition includes a broad ideological spectrum of six parties. While the strongest party within the alliance, CHP, presents itself as a center-left party, the Good Party has its origins in the nationalist movement. DEVA and the Future Party are both headed by former ministers who served under president Erdoğan. The Democrat Party is considered a liberal conservative party whereas the Felicity Party is a islamist party. The National Alliance is tied together by the goal of reestablishing parliamentary power. Beyond that, the opposition is attacking the economic and migration policies of the current government. President Erdoğan, for his part, is being supported by the so-called People´s Alliance containing various political ideologies as well. Most striking, however, are the radical members of the People´s Alliance, such as Hüda Par, a kurdish-islamist party openly opposed the kemalist consensus of the Turkish republic. Yet, the electoral campaign is overshadowed by the earthquakes which erupted the Southeast in early February. Four weeks before the election will take place, this report summarizes the developments of the last two months and takes a look ahead.

Devastating earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border region

An earthquake in Turkey and Syria has claimed thousands of lives and caused severe damage in infrastructure.


Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Security in Türkiye

Joint Publication of KAS and EDAM by Uğur Özker

Due to its geopolitical position, Türkiye is the target of numerous cyber attacks every day. The publication by Uğur Özker discovers the existing regulations and public framework and gives recommendations and an evaluation as a way-ahead.

Christian Senger / flickr / CC BY 2.0

Kopftuchdebatte in der Türkei auf den Kopf gestellt

Der CHP-Vorsitzende und Oppositionsführer Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu kündigte an einen Gesetzesentwurf zur „Kopftuchfreiheit“ in das türkische Parlament einzubringen.

Während Frauen in mehreren Provinzen der Türkei gegen die Ermordung von Mahsa Jîna Amini durch die iranische Sittenpolizei protestiert haben, hat der Oppositionsführer Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu von der Republikanischen Volkspartei (CHP) ein Gesetz vorgeschlagen, dass die Freiheit ein Kopftuch zu tragen, gesetzlich festzuschreiben soll. Angesichts der für Juni 2023 angesetzten, versucht ausgerechnet die säkulare CHP ein weiteres Thema der regierenden AK Partei von der Tagesordnung zu nehmen.

Transatlantic Trends 2022 - Public Opinion in Times of Geopolitical Turmoil

The results of the Transatlantic Trends 2022 Survey were published. As last year, Turkey's inclusion in the Survey was made possible thanks to the support of the KAS Türkiye.

The results of the Transatlantic Trends 2022 Survey, conducted by The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and the Bertelsmann Foundation (North America) in partnership with BBVA Foundation, Montreal Jean Monnet Center, Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Türkiye (KAS) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France, were published on 29 September 2022.