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Reality Check

The Status of Social Security Systems in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities

Reality Check 7

This 7th edition of Reality Check aims to examine the social security (social protection) systems in Uganda. The report attempts to provide an overview of the development of the country's social security systems from the pre-colonial era, through the colonial period to the post-colonial period, focusing on challenges and opportunities.

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​​​​​​​“Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 22)

Social security, a proclaimed Human Right, is a key mechanism to ensure social and economic equality. Social inequalities are a considerable strain on any society and economy. Therefore, different forms of social security systems have been applied by nations, religious institutions, or private companies for centuries in order to mitigate the many negative effects of poverty. Internationally, it is now recognized by most countries that some form of social security mechanisms are crucial to a country’s healthy and effective social and economic development.

On this background, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is promoting the concept of Social Market Economy also internationally as a consideration and inspiration for policy makers and representatives of the private sector, who influence the economic and social development of different countries around the world. Sharing experiences in economic policy drafting and balancing state-led social security schemes with the preservations of individual and market freedoms is therefore at the core of KAS’ international efforts to strengthen the global link between economic growth and social justice.

This publication addresses the situation in Uganda and provides a comprehensive presentation of the strength and weaknesses of the Ugandan social security systems. It gives an insight into the development and situation of both formal and informal security systems in Uganda and analyses the different available options as well as the remaining gaps.

We hope, this publication will make a significant contribution to the complex and thriving discourse on the development of a Ugandan social security system, and wish for the deep and enriching impact the authors have envisioned.


You can download the whole report as pdf.

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Verena Kasirye

Verena Kasirye

Programme Officer +256 312 262 011/2


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About this series

The series analyses developmental challenges in the political, social and economic sphere in Uganda. The editions examine hot topics of the daily political agenda and undertake a rigorous reality check. Reality Check is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives.

Order details


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.


978 9970 477 03 6

Asset Publisher