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Assessment on the state of political pluralism and democracy at local government level in Uganda

After a series of workshops conducted by KAS and UMDF in seven districts representatives come together for this technical training to gain a deeper understanding of the methodology of the assessment of democracy and political pluralism in Uganda.

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Under the EU funded project on “Strengthening Civil Society, Media and Local Councils’ Capacity to promote Political Pluralism, Democratic Participation and Representation at Local Government Level in Uganda”, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the partner Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF) are working with stakeholders from seven districts to conduct an assessment on the state of political pluralism and democracy in those districts. The districts to be assessed include Arua and Gulu in northern Uganda, Masaka in Central, Mbarara and Kasese in the West and Mbale and Soroti in the East.

As a key component of the assessment, seven research teams (one per district) have been constituted each comprising of five members with representation of civil society, media and councillors. The members each come from the respective districts to be assessed and shall be the people primarily responsible for carrying out the assessment.

All members of the research teams are to go through a two day technical training to support them in gaining deeper understanding of the methodology and tools of the assessment. Renowned academician Dr. Yasin Olum on Makerere University shall facilitate the training.

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Royal Suites, Bugolobi, Kampala


Peter Girke

Peter Girke

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2

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UMDF (Uganda Media Development Foundation) v_1