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The Young and Emerging Leaders Project (YELP)Fellowship

Cultivating Servant Leadership

At the heart of what we want participants to achieve from this seminar is to connect their ideas and visions to individual action on community advancement, and to embrace the concept of servant leadership.

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The fellowship picks individuals who are clearly on the path to success. We all define success differently, and take different paths in the pursuit of it. The seminar component will focus on examples of different forms of success, help participants define their own standards and definitions of success, and values that underpin successful leaders.

The seminar helps participants with making decisions on their career goals, on how to achieve personal advancement, achieving the critical Work-life balance/creating a good life, shaping personal legacies, and commitment to ideals and where to find the right Mentorship & role modeling.

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Forest Resort, Kasenge


“Leadership comes with responsibility, not opportunity” – The Young & Emerging Leaders Fellowship
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Donnas Ojok

Donnas Ojok bild

Programme Officer +256 312 262 011/2
yelp poster

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LéO Africa Institute