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Interparty Dialogue on Elections

The dailogue is to be the first within a series of four to be held by FAD under the project on strengthening multi-party democracy in Uganda

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The year 2011 shall mark the next round of general elections in Uganda. This will be the second election to be conducted since political space was reopened in 2005 after two decades governance under the movement – no party – system.

The previous election held 2006 immediately after the reintroduction of multi-party governance had a number of challenges, similar other previous elections in Uganda. Part of these challenges could be attributed to the fact that political party activists and leaders, being new to active pluralistic political participation, were not adequately aware of their roles, responsibilities and how to engage with each other in the game of political competition. Cognizant of this challenge, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is supporting a comprehensive project by the Foundation for African Development to promote the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of political parties in the multi-party electoral process. Under this project, political party leaders and activists in selected districts shall undergo two days trainings on the roles and responsibilities of political parties in the electoral process, as one component of the project. The other component shall be the holding of inter-party dialogues at the regional level in the central, east, north and western parts of the country. The dialogues for which the first one is to take place in Masaka (central region) are intended to offer a platform for all political parties to debate and share opinion about the 2011 election with a hope that some level of consensus about the standards that all parties should observe while engaging in the 2011 political competition could be reached. The intervention through these dialogues is undertaken to also fit into other ongoing programmes for example, the interparty dialogues and negotiations currently ongoing at the national level.

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Peter Girke

Peter Girke

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2

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