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Book presentation

Launch of Report on the state of political pluralism and democracy at Local Government Level in Uganda


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Resulting from an assessment conducted in seven districts of Uganda, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF) have published and launched a national report on “the state of political pluralism and democracy at the local government level”. The assessment was conducted as part of the project: “Strengthening Civil Society, Media and Local Council’s Capacity to Promote Political Pluralism, Democratic Participation and Representation at the Local Government Level in Uganda”, implement by KAS and UMDF with funding from the EU. Arua, Gulu, Kasese, Masaka, Mbale, Mbarara and Soroti are the seven districts where the assessment was conducted.

The report concluded that the concepts of political pluralism, democratic participation and representation are generally weak at the local government level in Uganda although some areas of progress do exist. It particularly notes the finding that the aspect of representation is very weak across all districts; local citizens in the districts do not feel adequately represented by their leader which according to the report has led to “frustration among local citizens about elected leaders”.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Local Government represented the minister and presided over the report launch. The EU commission was represent by Ms. Susan Alergre who commended the KAS-UMDF project and the assessment as one which “gives valuable input to democracy promotion in Uganda” Representing the Project Director and Country Reprentative Mr. Peter Girke, the Project Manager Yusuf Kiranda sumerised the objective of the report as one which is “intended to guide further interventions in the promotion of political pluralism and democracy in the districts”.

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Protea Hotel, Kampala


Peter Girke

Peter Girke

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2

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