Reporting Day (30th June 2016)
04:00pmArrivals and check-in
07:15pmWelcome dinner
Objective: provide a platform for relationship building where participants meet and introduce themselves to each other
•Dinner hosted by KAS Country Representative, Mr. Mathias Kamp
Followed by:
Day one (1st July 2016)
09:00amOfficial Opening
Objective: appreciate the salient issues in youth political engagement in the 2016 elections and the subsequent legislature period whilst defining the conference targets.
•Welcome remarks from UNIFOG and KAS
•Keynote address by Mr. Mathias Kamp, KAS Country Director. Topic: Youth engagement in political and development affairs in Uganda: the Nexus between education, entrepreneurship, employment and constructive political engagement
•Background presentation by Mr. Bruce Kabaasa, Associate Director, UNIFOG
Topic: Youth participation in 2016 and beyond: the statistics, the issues, the strategies and the way forward
Followed by
Brief Q & A
10:30amCoffee break
11:00amTable activity
Objective: participants reflect on the contributions from the keynote address and background presentation with a view of identifying the most critical issues and takeaway points.
•Participants conversations based on their tables
•Summary presentations of emerging issues from the tables
11:40pmPanel discussion—youth engagement from the lens of diverse actors
Objective: Receive diverse perspectives about youth engagement in the 2016 elections and start a process of generating ideas for a more coordinated and impactful engagement post-2016
Includes a moderated panel discussion with:
•Ms. Daphine Arinda, Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives
•Mr. Mondo Kyateka, Commissioner for Youth, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
•Hon. Ann Adeke (MP), National Female Youth MP
•Michael Mugisha, Technical Advisor, UNIFOG
•Ms. Patience Aber, Chairperson, National Youth Council
Yusuf Kiranda, Fellow at CDA
01:30pmLunch break
02:30pm Breakaway workshops—youth political engagement post-2016 elections: the actors, the issues, the actions and entry points for cooperation.
Objective: map out diverse actors involved in youth political engagement and explore entry points for cooperation.
Parallel workshops facilitated by the following organisations
•Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives
•Interparty Youth Platform
•Uganda Youth Network
•African Youth Development Link
•National Youth Council
04:00pmCoffee break
04:30pmPlenary session—feedback from the breakaway workshops
Objective: receive and discuss feedback from the breakaway workshops with a focus on identifying areas for synergy, cooperation and learning from best practices.
•Presentations of outcomes from breakaway workshops
Followed by:
•Moderated plenary discussion
Day two (2nd July 2016)
09:00amplenary session—recap of day one
Objective: receive a record of emerging issues and takeaway points from the conference discussions
Recap of day one by the conference rapporteur
Followed by:
Short feedback from the plenary
09:30amTable activity—walking the path: wayward post conference
Objective: participants generate ideas of moving the conference agreements into concrete actions
•Participants discuss the way forward based on their tables
Followed by
Feedback and discussion of table activity outcomes
11:00amTable coffee break
11:30amWrap-up and Official closing
Objective: receive the preliminary (summary) conference report and government perspectives on youth engagement
•Preliminary report by conference rapporteur
•Statement from KAS Country Representative
•Statement and Official Closing by the Minister for Youth and Children Affairs.
Followed by Departures