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Prevention of Extremism in a Diverse Society – the role of the state and religion

The discussion will provide a critical reflection on the threats and challenges posed to Ugandan society by extremist tendencies, as well as providing a platform for constructive dialogue on the prevention and containment of extremism.

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08:00- 9:00am: Breakfast; Arrivals and Registration

9:05am Setting the pace – Moderator: Ivan Okuda Journalist, Nation Media

09:15-10:00am: Keynote Presentation: The role of the state and religion in the

prevention of extremism in a diverse society Dr. Ashad Sentongo

10:00-12:00pm Input and General Discussion of the Presentation.

Lead Discussants

Extremism and religion, where is the dividing line and how do we

mitigate extremism tendencies- Dr. Max Ngabirano Dean, School

of Humanities, UMU

The complementary role of religion in fighting extremism- Ahmed

Hadji PhD Candidate

The missing link between society and the responsible state and

non-state-agencies in preventing extremism - Lina Zedriga

Countering extremism in its infancy; what can the state do

differently Hon. Simon Mulongo, Security Expert

A call to action; Counter terrorism agencies and their role in

coordinating efforts to avert extremism, John Ndungutse (Tbc)

Director- Counter Terrorism.

12:00pm Closing Statement – KAS Country Representative Mathias Kamp

12:20pm Luncheon at Victoria Restaurant Sheraton Kampala Hotel

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Prevention of Extremism in a Diverse Society – the Role of State and Religion
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Bernard Mukhone

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Programme Manager

Donnas Ojok

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Programme Officer +256 312 262 011/2

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