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KAS Scholarship Beneficiaries Meet

KAS held the third networking meeting for beneficiaries of its local scholarship programme at Uganda Martyrs University (UMU).

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Through the programme, KAS supports talented young people for studies leading to higher qualification in the disciplines of “local governance and human rights” and in “democracy and development studies”.The meeting on November 26 brought together 27 beneficiaries including continuing, new and former scholarship holders.

The scholarship holders’ meeting is an annual event aimed at presenting an occasion where beneficiaries of KAS education support can interact, share experiences and be challenged to invest and commit more energy in promoting democratic governance and human rights in Uganda. At this years’ meeting, Ms. Betty Adio, a former scholarship hold gave an emotional account of how the scholarship had helped to transform her life and put her at better capacity to contribute to betterment of democratic governance in Uganda. KAS Country Representative Mr. Peter Girke reiterated KAS’ objective with the scholarship programme as being the need to contribute to the development of a local human resource base and a mass of elites who are able to support the democratisation process with human rights consciousness. Dr. Max Ngabirano the Head of the Good Governance and Peace Studies Department at UMU challenged holders to be more engaged in confronting Uganda’s governance and human rights challenges.

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Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala


Peter Girke

Peter Girke

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2
Group photo with participants of the UMU scholarship holders meeting -

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