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Launch of IYOP Communiqué on Youth and Development in Uganda

The Interparty Youth Platform (IYOP) launches its communiqué from the first Interparty Youth Conference held in July 2013. It states the key policy directions proposed by young people concerning the topics that have the biggest impact on the youth.

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In July 2013 IYOP with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), held a three day Youth Conference, in which the seven political party youth wings combined under the IYOP framework – Conservative Party (CP), Democratic Party (DP), Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Justice Forum (JEEMA), National Resistance Movement (NRM), People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) – came together with young people from all over the country. The aim of this meeting was to find a broad consensus on the topics having a major impact on the youth, namely economic empowerment, political participation, and access to social services. Concerning youth economic empowerment IYOP emphasises the need for Business, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (BTVET). In the area of political participation the main demand is for government and other stakeholders to actively engage in civic education of the Ugandan youth, so that they can become responsible and politically conscious citizens. Finally, in order to improve young people's access to social services, especially health services, the communiqué calls upon all stakeholders in the health sector – for example political leaders, religious groups, media, and academia – to work together and through concerted efforts to achieve higher awareness on questions of health, and better access to health services.

The official launch of the IYOP communiqué will bring together party leaders, youth wing members, media, and relevant civil society and state actors on youth related development issues, to participate in the launch of the Communiqué. This will enable them to engage in debate and discussions on the topic of youth development concerns and make the Communiqué known to a relevant audience that is expected to carry it on to influence and support policy development and advocacy campaigns. Furthermore, it is a step to improve the inter-party dialogue and emphasise content and policy alternatives over non-personalised party positions.

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Hotel Africana, Kampala


Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2

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