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Book presentation

Journal Launch: “Struggling for Media Space through the Decades”

Vorstellung der dritten Ausgabe des Magazins „Uganda Media Review“


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The Uganda Media Review Journal is an annual publication by the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF). It carries articles by senior writers and media analysts on key subjects of media and journalism in Uganda. The 2013 edition has been published under the theme “struggling for media space through the decades.” Major articles in the publication focus on revisiting key episodes in the history of the media as veteran writers who covered Idi Amin during his reign of terror narrate their ordeal. The journal also gives a reflection into the future of journalism in Uganda during the present era of ‘new media’. Media freedom remains a major issue of debate in Uganda more so after the government in June 2013 again closed down the leading independent media house for publishing a story considered sensitive to nation security. The journal delves into the tricky question of whether or not Uganda should enact a Shield Law to protect journalists from disclosing sources. The public launch will be an opportunity for not only presenting the journal’s third edition but also for having a discussion with several stakeholders on the topics that it addresses.

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UMDF Offices, Kampala


Yusuf Kiranda

Yusuf Kiranda bild

Programme Officer +256 312 26 20 11/2

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