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Young Leaders Think Tank Non Residential Workshop

Meeting on the Development of the Think Tank 2015

The meeting on 21st February will kick start the activities of the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives (Think Tank) for the year 2015 and new members of the Think Tank will be introduced.

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The “Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives” (Think Tank) is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to enhance youth participation in governance and policy formulation in Uganda. The Think Tank is a group of highly qualified and committed young Ugandans, who interact and work together on a regular basis to analyze policy issues and develop policy alternatives from the perspective of the young generation. The group members lead by example in the promotion of issue-based and constructive dialogue and debate, adhering to the guiding principles of tolerance and objectivity.

This meeting serves the purpose to launch the activities of the Think Tank for 2015 and strengthen its internal capacities. For this purpose, new members were selected and will be introduced on this occasion. Moreover, the last year of Think Tank work will be reviewed, where needed follow up planned and lessons learned collected. This will then inform the drafting of a schedule for 2015, including the format and topics of upcoming research and publications. Finally, an expert form another Think Tank will give a presentation on the internal mechanisms of a Think Tank and the general field of policy analysis and Think Tank work, which will inform a final discussion on the operation of the Think Tank in general.

A representative of the Economic Policy Research Center will give a presentation on policy analysis and the functioning and work of one of the leading think tanks in Uganda, which will lead into a discussion by the members of the Think Tank on their own operational guidelines and work.

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Royal Suites, Bugolobi, Kampala


Maike Messerschmidt

Maike Messerschmidt bild

Programme Officer +256 312 262011/2

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Youth4Policy v_2