Event reports
The solemn occasion which was also the official launch of the Interparty Youth Platform (IYOP) took place on Tuesday, November 29th in Kampala. It attracted over 200 participants most of them young political leaders from Uganda’s major political parties. The major political parties were each represented by high level officials from their Central Executive Committees.
The KAS Country Representative Dr. Angelika Klein, who presided over the function, emphasised the urgent necessity for all development interventions to involve young people – particularly so in the case of Uganda where over 70 percent of the population are below the age of 35.
IYOP is an initiative by young political leaders from the major political parties in Uganda. While participating in a leadership training programme organised by KAS in May 2011, they observed the need to have in place a forum for them to dialogue, network and undertake joint leadership development initiatives. They requested the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to facilitate the platform development process. Following several inter-party consultative meetings a Memorandum of Understanding which establishes the framework for cooperation among the participating youth wings was agreed upon and consequently signed during the November 29th ceremony.