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Event reports

GAIN Uganda ready for pilot grassroots civic education

Introducing KAS' new civic education material to GAIN-Uganda members

After successfully developing various civic education materials, Members of GAIN Uganda met in Kampala for a trainer of trainer’s workshop to equip member organisations with necessary training skills since they were to train the grassroots population in their respective districts. Governance Accountability CSO Network (GAIN-Uganda) was born out of an EU funded project that aimed at promoting accountability and democratic governance in Uganda in 11 districts which include Masaka, Kiboga, Mbarara, Kabale, Kisoro, Arua, Pader, Lira, Soroti, Pallisa and Jinja across the different regions in Uganda

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As a key measure, GAIN Uganda intends to take up civic education at the grassroots as their major project for 2017 going forward. It should be noted that the intake for civic engagement in Uganda is low and yet we expect participation to increase. In a bid to get more citizens to engage and participate in the governance of their local areas, it is imperative to scale up the uptake of civic education materials and trainings. It’s against this backdrop that KAS together with GAIN undertook the training measures under the good governance and accountability project.

Members of the network were tasked to come up with creative approaches to delivering the content in the civic education materials, most of which targeted the real grassroots. Participatory methods of delivering content were discussed with each region contextualizing their own. After the pilot trainings, there will be a review of the individual regional meetings to share some of the key lessons learnt and what can be replicated in the subsequent phase of trainings. It is also expected that the pilot phase will inform the finalization of the guide (comprehensive training manual) which is expected to be the main tool that guides trainers in preparing their sessions.

After the successful piloting of the materials, a special occasion will be organized to launch the full set of civic education materials that will be used throughout 2017accross the country to train citizens and increase citizen engagement and participation in the governance of their country.

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