As of the second half of 2021, the overall progress in the implementation of the commitments under the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU amounts to 49 %. This figure includes both fully fulfilled commitments and intermediate results. “Perfect” fulfilment, i.e. completion of all the tasks required to fulfil the commitment in full, accounts for 25.6 %. 22.7 % of the commitments are at an “advanced” stage of implementation, which means that legislative work has been carried out, but not all the necessary by-laws have been adopted and/or implemented or certain actions concerning practical implementation have not been completed. 24.9 % of the commitments are at an “early” stage of implementation – i.e. regulations or measures for their implementation are still under development. Work on another 24.9 % of the commitments have not even begun.
Compared to the previous study, the indicator of overall progress in the Agreement implementation has increased (from 41.6 % to 49 %); the increase is especially significant for the indicator of perfect fulfilment (from 12.4 % to 25.6 %). Currently, we can argue that more than a quarter of Ukraine’s commitments under the Association Agreement have been fully implemented.
The policy brief was prepared by:
Oleksandra Bulana — PhD, Analyst, UCEP
Snizhana Diachenko — Junior Analyst, UCEP
Dmytro Naumenko — Senior Analyst, UCEP