The EU’s internal market is designed to ensure favorable conditions for trades on goods and services between EU member states with establishment of fair competition for all market players. s. However, even the integration in the internal market can hardly be considered as quick due to the requirements for implementing a big amount of the relevant European legislation.
The researchers focused on key sectors critical for Ukraine’s economy in the context of Russia’s military aggression, and which can provide additional impetus for Ukraine’s integration into the EU.
The study covers the following sectors:
- rule of law;
- trade in goods, including trade in goods during wartime, technical barriers to trade, agriculture, sanitary and phytosanitary measures;
- trade in services, including transport, e-commerce and postal services, energy, digital services.
The study conducted by the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy indicates that Ukraine’s complete integration into the EU internal market will not be immediate. Nevertheless, certain measures can already be implemented to alleviate the situation for the Ukrainian economy during the war and to facilitate its progress towards the EU.
Galyna Trypolska, PhD, Senior Research fellow at Institute for Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Hennadii Riabtsev,Dr.Sc. in Public Administration, Professor, Chief Researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studie
Leonid Vitkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, expert on technical barriers to trade
Mykhailo Zhernakov, Chair of the Board, DEJURE Foundation
Mykyta Polatayko, Counsel Aequo
Natalie Forsyuk, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure 2019-2021, expert in good governance of infrastructure projects and European integration
Oksana Hubrenko, independent expert
Olena Kovalova, Dr.Sc. in Economics; Agropolicy and Food System Transformation Expert
Olena Minich, expert in electronic communications and digital economy
Stepan Berko, Advocacy Manager, DEJURE Foundation
Veronika Movchan, Research Director, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting