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Presentation of the report "Ukraine and the Association Agreement: monitoring of the implementation"

From 2014 - until November 2016

We cordially invite you to the presentation of the report "Ukraine and Association Agreement: monitoring of the implementation from 2014 - till November 2016" to be held on December 9 at 15:00 pm in Tauvers Gallery International - 6 Olhynska Str.

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The event is organized by the NGO “Ukrainian Centre for European Policy” and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine.

During the event, experts will present the results of Ukraine’s progress regarding approximation of the Ukrainian laws to the EU laws in line with the Association Agreement / DCFTA. In particular, experts will present progress in adapting national legislation in 6 areas: energy, social policy, environment, public health, companies’ operations, and tax policy from 2015 till November 2016.

The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for European Integration, representatives of foreign embassies, MPs, ministerial assistants and public experts will discuss the progress and areas of concern arising during the legislation adaptation.

Working language: Ukrainian and Simultaneous interpretation

Invited speakers:

- Ivanna Klympush-Tsyntsadze, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for European integration;

- Gabriele Baumann, the head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine;

- Ivan Stefaneс, the Member of the European Parliament;

- Segiy Petukhov, the Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine;

- Oksana Syvak, the Deputy Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine;

- Sergiy Savchuk, the head of State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (tbc);

- Mykola Kuzio, the Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine;

- Liubov Akulenko, CEO Ukrainian Centre for European Policy.

RSVP Ms. Inna Korsun

by December 8th


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Tauvers Gallery International - 6 Olhynska Str.


  • Iwanna Klympusch-Zynzadse
    • Iwan Shtefanez
      • Gabriele Baumann
      • Mykola Kusjo
      • Serhij Petuchow
      • Serhij Sawtschuk
      • Oxana Sywak
      • Serhij nUstymenko
      • Ljubow Akulenko


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    Gabriele Baumann

    Portrait von Gabriele Baumann

    Head of the Belarus Office +46 (0) 8 611 7000

    Kateryna Bilotserkovets

    Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

    Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443
    UCEP Präsentation am 09.12.2016

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