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Ukraine and the Priorities of the German Chairmanship in the OSCE


On 27 January 2016, the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research with support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung will held the round-table “Ukraine and the Priorities of the German Chairmanship in the OSCE”.

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Representatives from the diplomatic missions of the OSCE Troika (Serbia, Germany and Austria), other countries, international organizations (OSCE, UN, EU, CoE, NATO), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukrainian think tanks, scientific and civil society organizations, and media are invited to participate in the round-table.

This year Germany chairs the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, which is today the only international organization actively involved into different aspects of conflict resolution in Ukraine - from the Trilateral Contact Group to the Special Monitoring Mission. Meanwhile, in Ukraine we can hear criticisms to the OSCE, which are often linked to the lack of comprehensive information on measures taken by the Organization and the Chairman-in-Office. Therefore, the round table will focus on discussing the following issues:

- Priorities of the German Chairmanship in the OSCE – Ukrainian accents.

- Ukraine and the OSCE – cooperation on resolution of the conflict on the Donbas and other issues.

- The main priorities of the OSCE for implementing projects in Ukraine in 2016.

- Activities of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine – interaction with the Ukrainian society.

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  • Г.Бауманн
    • С.Конончук
    • В.Біндзайль
    • В.Мартинюк
    • О.Чалий
    • О.Хуг
    • Р.Булатович
    • Г.Поппеллер
    • В.Верба
    • В.Покотило
    • I.Климпуш-Цинцадзе
    • Р.Чубаров
    • Ю.Тищенко
    • М.Золкіна


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Gabriele Baumann

Portrait von Gabriele Baumann

Head of the Belarus Office +46 (0) 8 611 7000

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