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Country Reports

Corona Update, USA (16) – aktuelle Studien, Analysen und Kommentare

by Sabine Murphy, Jeanene Lairo, Elmar Sulk, Syreta Haggray, Dirk Hegen, Paul Linnarz

Für die Zeit vom 10. bis 16. Juli 2020

Die Corona-Krise hat über die erheblichen gesundheitlichen Risiken und Folgen hinaus weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Forschung, Innen- und Außenpolitik sowie das gesellschaftliche Leben in den Vereinigten Staaten. Namhafte US-amerikanische Think Tanks und Experten setzen sich intensiv mit den unterschiedlichen Aspekten und Herausforderungen dieser in ihrem Umfang und ihrer Schnelligkeit beispiellosen Krise auseinander. Für einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion stellt das KAS-Auslandsbüro USA mit Sitz in Washington D.C. wöchentlich eine Auswahl an Studien, Analysen und Kommentaren jeweils mit Links zu den Beiträgen zusammen.

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 “United G20 must pave the way for robust post-COVID-19 recovery”

Quelle: Atlantic Council (July 15, 2020)

Phil Thornton, Lead Consultant, Clarity Economics

In his issue brief for the Atlantic Council, the author demands a “global solution” to the “unprecedented health and economic crises” caused by the coronavirus. According to him, the most effective forum for coordinating a response is the G20. Thornton lists short-term and medium-term objectives the G20 nations should follow on a way to economic recovery. He states “the G20 summit in November offers a huge opportunity for a coordinated multilateral response” to the pandemic.


“The COVID-19 Pandemic and Resulting Economic Crash Have Caused the Greatest Health Insurance Losses in American History”

Quelle: Families USA (July 13, 2020)

Stan Dorn, Director of the National Center for Coverage Innovation and Senior Fellow

Based on this report, between February and May 5.4 million laid-off U.S. workers became uninsured. This represents the highest annual increase in the number of uninsured adults ever recorded. “Nevertheless, no federal COVID-19 legislation signed into law has attempted to restore or preserve comprehensive health insurance,” states the author.


“Changes in Health Insurance Coverage Due to the COVID-19 Recession”

Quelle: Urban Institute (July 13, 2020)

Jessica Banthin, Senior Fellow, et al.

In this paper, the authors use a microsimulation model to take full advantage of the limited information currently available. The authors find that "48 million people will live in families with a worker who experiences a COVID-19-related job loss in the last three quarters of 2020. Of them, 10.1 million lose employer coverage tied to that job. We estimate 32 percent of these people switch to another source of employer coverage through a family member, 28 percent enroll in Medicaid, and 6 percent enroll in the nongroup market, mainly in marketplace coverage with premium tax credits. Still, we estimate 3.5 million people in this group become uninsured."


“A July Update on the Paycheck Protection Program”

Quelle: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget  (July 10, 2020) In its latest report, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget provides an update on the cost estimate for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to combat the Covid-19. As of
now, PPP has issued about $521 billion in forgivable loans with $132 billion remaining funds. The original application deadline was recently extended to August 8. The report shows how that money has been spent so far.


“How is COVID-19 affecting House oversight efforts?”

Quelle: The Brookings Institution (July 13, 2020)

Molly E. Reynolds, Senior Fellow Governance Studies,

This article presents findings by the Brookings Institution House Oversight Tracker for the period since March 2020, highlighting the response of the House of Representatives regarding oversight of the Trump White House during the coronavirus pandemic. Brookings finds that many committees are involved in oversight related to COVID-19. Furthermore, “Committees are continuing preexisting oversight investigations” but with an emphasis on the crisis.


“Lessons from the Pandemic: Broadband Policy After COVID-19”

Quelle: Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF, July 13, 2020) Doug Brake, Director, Broadband and Spectrum Policy In this analysis the author provides an overview of how Covid-19 crisis poses as an opportunity for policymakers to examine the successes and failures of the U.S broadband system. Among the author’s takeaways is that the U.S. broadband was able to accommodate the higher demand, in part because U.S. network speeds were already fast and with sufficient capacity prior to the stay-at-home orders. The report discusses the shortfalls where many Americans are unable to afford broadband or also the persistent lack of broadband infrastructure in the rural and poorer parts of the country.


“Growing COVID-19 Hotspots in the U.S. South and West will Likely Widen Disparities for People of Color”

Quelle: Kaiser Family Foundation (July 10, 2020) Authors: Samantha Artiga, Director for Disparities Policy Project, et al.

The geographic shift of the nation’s worst COVID-19 outbreaks to states in the South and West is expected to intensify the disparities in the health and economic impacts of the pandemic on people of color — especially Hispanics, according to a KFF analysis.


„Race, voting & elections “

Quelle:  UC Berkeley (July 13, 2020)

Andrew Cohen, Sr. communications writer, UC Berkeley school of law

With the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest surging across America, five Berkeley Law professors described in a webcast how race could profoundly impact the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky discusses with Professors Kathy Abrams, Abhay Aneja, Taeku Lee, Ian Haney López, and Bertrall Ross how race affects the electoral system of the U.S., especially in an election amidst a pandemic. Please find excerpts of the discussion and the webcast here.


“What Economists Can Teach Epidemiologists”

Quelle:  American Institute for Economic Research (AIER, July 11, 2020)

Peter C. Earle, Research Fellow

According to the author, wildly off-the-mark forecasts about COVID-19 will ultimately cause more harm than good, and find their origins in the same set of snags which regularly trip up econometric forecasts. In the epidemiological version, instead of predicting a new Great Depression, as his article suggests, they brought an artificial depression, a growing spate of coercive masking initiatives, school closures, and the lockdowns.


“As the U.S. copes with multiple crises, partisans disagree sharply on severity of problems facing the nation”

Quelle: Pew Research Center (July 14, 2020)

Amina Dunn, Research Analyst

This report by the Pew Research Center found sharp partisan disagreement between Democrats and Republicans in evaluating the seriousness of major problems facing the United States, including the coronavirus pandemic. The partisan differences are about the severity of the crisis with Democrats much more likely to view the pandemic as a “very big problem”.


“The Pandemic Could Be the Crisis Liberalism Needed”

Quelle: The Cato Institute (July 13, 2020)

Matt Warner, president of international programs at Atlas Network; Tom G. Palmer, Senior Fellow

As per Warner and Palmer, the future has rarely seemed bleaker for free‐​market democracy—but small changes can bring it roaring back. Their article explains how the COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with a second chance to get liberal democracies right.


Weitere Kurzbeiträge:

“Modification and Broadening of Online Class Rules for Foreign Students - Debate Missing over Legitimate Reasons for Rule”

Quelle: Center for Immigration Studies (CIS, July 11, 2020)

Marguerite Telford, Director of Communications

In light of the recent discussion to ban foreign students from campuses and online classes in the U.S. this Fall due to COVID-19, Telford, in her latest blog article, argues that allowing foreign students to reside in the U.S. to work on an online education creates the opportunity for thousands of student visa holders to enroll in dubious online programs or drop out of programs so they can bypass immigration laws and live here indefinitely under cover of a student visa.


“From Chronic to Crisis: How Malnutrition Makes COVID-19 Lethal”

Quelle: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, July 13, 2020)

Caitlin Welsh, Director; Eilish Zembilci, Program Coordinator and Research Assistant, Global Food Security Program

As citizens protest racial inequalities across the country, Black and Latino Americans have died of Covid-19 at two to three times the rate of white Americans. According to the authors of this article, exposure to the virus through high-risk jobs, and underlying health conditions exacerbated by lack of access to nutritious foods, are among the main causes of this disparity. "Improving access to healthy food for people of color—indeed, all American people—should be a primary concern as Americans examine ways to rectify centuries-old inequalities," say Welsh, an international development expert with government experience, and Zembilci, a nutrition expert.


“Uncertainty can ruin an economy. The bungled COVID-19 response just adds to it.”

Quelle: Center for American Progress (CAP, July 13, 2020)

Jacob Leibenluft, Senior Fellow

In his article, an excerpt of a longer commentary for the Washington Post, Jacob Leibenluft writes about the significant economic implications of the Trump administration's response to COVID-19.


“Rulings that Run the Clock, While Time Runs Out for Coronavirus Relief”

Quelle: Tax Policy Center (July 13, 2020)

Renu Zaretsky, Writer

In her blog, the author lays out the work the United States Congress has ahead, when its members return from their break later this month. She states “Congress has no clear roadmap for its next COVID-19 response” and looks at the Trump administration’s push to reopen schools this fall.


Für die aktuellen Zahlen zur Corona-Krise in den USA:

The Centers for Disease Control:

The Johns Hopkins University:

The New York Times:

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Paul Linnarz

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Representative Tokyo Office and Director Regional Program "Economic Governance in Asia" (SOPAS) +81 3 6426 5041


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