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After Copenhagen

by Michal Machnowski

U.S. Press Review

US press and blogs gave a cool response to what President Barack Obama called an "unprecedented" 11th-hour, non-binding deal on climate change during talks in Copenhagen.

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New York Times: Obama Negotiates 'Copenhagen Accord' With Senate Climate Fight in Mind

In Copenhagen, a wide variety of people from around the globe said Obama had lost some of his luster since the election. But some U.S.-based environmentalists say Obama demonstrated in Copenhagen and the days surrounding his trip here just how much he is engaged on the issue.

The Hill: Healthcare fight makes passing energy and climate bill tougher

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday that Republican anger over healthcare legislation makes it tougher to pass the energy and climate-change bill that he is working with Democrats to craft.

Politico: Copenhagen fizzle won't help bill

A day after the U.N. climate change conference ended in a fizzle, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Sunday that he hopes the Senate will pass its own climate change bill sometime next year.

New York Times: Copenhagen, and Beyond (comment)

The global climate negotiations in Copenhagen produced neither a grand success nor the complete meltdown that seemed almost certain as late as Friday afternoon.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Climate folly - Copenhagen conference a sham (comment)

The weeklong orgy of excess -- to which most participants arrived in plush, carbon-emitting private jets and were shuttled around in limos -- was nothing more than another leftist shakedown of wealthy nations on behalf of "developing" countries. This time in the name of saving the planet.

Economist: Better than nothing (comment)

Even its biggest fans—if such people exist—would be hard-put to find the Copenhagen Accord on the climate a rousing success.

The Daily Beast! (Blog): We Just Saw the Future (comment)

Copenhagen showed us the new normal: the U.S. has lost influence, China plays spoiler, and tiny nations veto anything they don't like.

Washington Times: The green dictatorship (comment)

Last week's Copenhagen summit surrendered all pretense to significance when it turned into a showcase for dictators' attempts to greenwash their bloody regimes.

The Nation: Obama's Copenhagen Deal

The Obama agreement was a sly maneuver. The United States sidestepped the official proceedings and found a way to separate major developing nations from poorer ones--while skating past European desires for a more comprehensive and binding agreement.

Boston Globe: 11th-hour Copenhagen pact better than none, but barely (comment)

Obama administration officials call the agreement “meaningful’’ and “an important first step.’’ That is putting the best face on it. In Copenhagen, the world has collectively kicked global warming down the road.

Guardian: Copenhagen summit: Fighting for survival (comment)

The obstacles are formidable, and the odds remain long. But a late-breaking commitment from Washington on financial assistance shows the spirit in which things must be done.

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December 17, 2009
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